Sunday, December 1, 2013


Greatly loved is the pet in your life - dear to the heart
A little sweetheart - FAMILY! Roots
Let grow the friendship right from the start
Strong be the affection - DEVOTION- loving
The affection of the paw on your face - the meow - bonding
 The jump on your lap - beauteous be the qualities
High spirits - loving you - loving it - loving you still
Special be each day - the purring the playful pet
Loving their treats - love - loving you when? and yet
When no one else does . your cherished pets do
They don't call you names- demean you or run you down
Just spend your time taking care of them always
Create that loving ability of earning that love with you
Precious be that of gaining love - respect too
The loyal pet - fun and sensible, I see
Beloved - the love of a pet , better than courtship
Faithful - each time you open the door - too true
They don't try to get your temper or make you blue
Truly the beauty to your soul - so visible
My little sweetheart ! You are nothing but a gem
Beloved dearly -  For you! I love being responsible....

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