Tuesday, December 31, 2013


The dead of winter creeps in - the cold trembling air
A cool breeze surrounding thus my face
I shiver ! I walk the mountainous road
Through life - with the winter blues
On my mind! stars not a trace
The snow it falls - the chill I embrace
My eyes are occupied - I stare at a dull infatuation
The limbs they died - they stagnate my mind
Calamity - it sets in - it overwhelms me
The dark grey cloudy skies are prevalent
Inside I sit , I look out the hazy window
I see the visions are upon me - my mind wanders
Daydreaming! I enjoy the warmth in my environment
No beauty of the sun - I see desperation
Exasperated by the sight of blizzard warnings
I now think of my gardens - the roots are froze
And the rose too died nothing grows
The climbers - they too do not bloom
I see God's eye - he is watching me
I then instill beauteous thoughts on my day
Beauteous blue skies on my mind
Day after day - they blossom - they permeate
In my soul - and in the spring, I create
Images of bright beauty in the skies - so beautiful
But for now - the sun shining on my tomorrow
May the sparkling snow shimmer and the roses soon climb
Indeed beneath the snow - those beautiful roots
Come alive! They are with me opposing the dreary blues
Of this chilly day - smelling roses , I choose.

Saturday, December 28, 2013


Today! I walk each new born day
It breaks at dawn - I wake
Images in my mind - for heavens sake
I try - I create - lingering memories
Capturing special moments, I then smile
I cry - tears throughout the years
Embracing life - I walk the extra mile
I smell the roses - every breath I take
Time passes me! and each day that I realize
My day becomes yesterday - beauteous
Be the brain recollecting each new day past
Cherishing thoughts - I am mesmerized
I am blessed! with what is surrounding me
Each picture on the wall - I have pride
I stand tall - I have special feelings inside
Every day - every picture tells a story
And tomorrow I enjoy today - remarkable
I am me! I love - significant memories
Today becomes yesterday and tomorrow
Becomes my past - again I stand tall with pride
Smelling the rose keeping special moments inside
So today creating yesterday - I keep walking
Wasting my time? I create images
Thinking about each breath I take with my rose
The memories on the wall - I keep talking
About my captured memories surrounding me
Beauteous - One love- one life- I see
Carrying yourself , it's all I've got
I'm holding on to one life- Beauteous be..

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

CHRISTMAS 2013 with love to all my readers

A ROSEBUD!    Here ! I give my gift!   A single long stem ............
Beauteous Be that of the beauty of the rose
Love is in the air on this beautiful holiday
May all of you have a special day on this occasion
And may the rose be in your heart
May the beauty of prose also be with you
Merry Christmas to all my readers................................

To any of you whom enjoyed my book as a gift to give for the HOLIDAYS ....... I hope that " Beauteous Be Poesy " enlightens your life for the the New Year and may all the poems be that of a beautiful gift to share....
Again Happy Holidays....

Monday, December 23, 2013

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!! with the rose

I am deep in my thoughts wondering
Hypnotized by thee beauteous skies
I meditate - I contemplate- I am wise
Cherishing the beauty of the elegant rose
Climbing rocks - the foundation of which I walk
Friendship it is worked on - it therefore grows
I see the glamorous lights on the Christmas tree
Scattered flurries in mind - then predicted
I experience God's powers in my head
Praying hence forth, the thorn doth prick
My rose - it not in bloom - I see in the room
I visualize God's beauty enlightening me
Thankful I am of breath - I breathe
And I smell the scent of God's gardens
I dream of the perfect Christmas I see visions
My soul blessed I play with my cat
I am grateful I have then tranquility
Senses all in tact - I am still breath in reality
And the petals of my rose with bud in time
With love I give to you my poem
Wishing you a Happy Holiday I say
I am walking with gardens in my mind
And my gift to you I hope you find
Is at and year round art then saved
And with my poetry appreciate the heavenly skies
The paths you walk  grounded then paved
Merry Christmas my thoughts are with you year round
May the rose impress you embedded in your soul
And bless each petal in bloom velvety red
I seek this in you - the beauty in your head
Friendship grows with time - the thorn in prose
Beauteous be the rose- as then year round it grows.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO GOD'S son inspired by the love of poetry?

My eyes are imagining - I visualize
I see imagery - I view with perception
I hold the palette - the hues are endless
I am in control of the whole picture
I stroke by stroke - paint the spectrum
Thus I recollect - I ultimately surmise
The colors are vivid and vivid of my imagination
The paint brush glides with perfection
Soon I create a sight for these eyes
My pupils dilate - thus beauteous
A painting is what then I do believe , I see
I still  visualize - the man , a piece of art
And the artist - tells a tale in IQ
Thus the sentimental side exclaims I start
To see that thus complete the artist then
With the hues kept the stroke in perspective
And thus this man by my side is then creative
Togetherness - I view, I see , I believe
The whole picture is truly what I perceive
Derived from this palette - A true wonder
And as my eyes are viewing , I ponder
And think! with wit. Did I create?
As a painter , a work of art with tones
Partial to these eyes subliminal I do
Believe the man of our dreams is waiting
The imagination runs wild and is thus permeating
I see this in you , the painting - this the man
And the artist created him for the woman.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013


Let's put our heads together and help save the endangered species.........Please give to the cause!!!

I am perplexed - imagine that
Waking at dawn - I saw
Images in my mind - skies so fine
Oh the radiant beauty in my head
Hues on my face - the sun's cast
I sit and ponder at this my past
Mesmerized - the hypnotic state
The memories thus that I create
Beauty is the eye of the beholder
I thou shall not dwell into despair
The best of memory I tend to care
I therefore oppose the calamity in my life
And this of the positive too , good I see
In all my images surrounding me
I see the happiness in this my soul
And the roots I welcome day to day
To ground my feelings in any sort of way
I am me - I am positive it is true
That I love each day therefore too
And drowned my sorrows and the blues
In those desperate matters that overflow
And it's me you then too get to know
Only the good - each passing day
I capture beauty - I do it my way
Seldom said do I depress I see
The best of my life it is true instead
And those memories stay within my mind
Too - they stay solemnly in my head.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Written on a song - MY THOUGHTS

Hey! What's is going on? Yes I say
Oh! Yes, What's in my head
And I think - I see four walls
Hey! What's going on ? And I see
Visions! Images lingering within me
Peculiar? Might I see - Imagery
Yes I say! Am I dreaming?
Dream- Oh yeah ! Oh how I dream
Yes I dream! Might I also scheme
Oh how I see satisfaction
Indeed! I see the revolution
Oh I try! Oh yeah oh how I try
Yes I try! May that too that I cry
May I still then be so peculiar
I see - oh yes indeed how I see
Visions in these eyes all around me
I sense! Oh yes true how I see
Rhythm and blue listening too , then also hence
And my sight! I see for sore eyes , may it be
Mighty! Calamity too -may it be worthy
Then I walk ! Oh yes indeed how I walk
And I talk ! Extremities too yes I talk
Than I talk out loud and the wall stares at me
And I sit right down and see what I see
Voices in my head - I see it reality
Very peculiar? And I dream ! Yes I dream
With these four walls surrounding myself
And tunes playing relentlessly , I see
It's not so peculiar - music in my head
And you admit that it's true wanting this in my mind
Ain't it peculiar! yet what did you find?
And I spend my days with it in my ears
Singing along sometimes and the beckon calls
Ain't it peculiar? What I hear in these four walls.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

HAIKU Imagery

                                                          Oppose the Winter Blues

Wildcats prowl at night
Climbs pouncing on colleagues eve
Playful thou art thee

Growth be a limb ! Prune
By LEO - new moon - ARIES
Enlighten a branch

Willows - umbrella
Pisces thou shalt prune with moon
Whispers - VIRGO Stars

Sweetheart roses bud
Blooms - the petal artiste red
Love- thorns in your life

Rainbows bright in the sky
Shines hues astrological
Stars create spectrum

Buds - long stems - blossom
Beauteous be roses - grow

Pride of the wild skies
Domains - the wildcat with young
Cubs - Innocence nights

Sun is a bright star
Creates shades , pastels and hues
Cast debt in color..

Saturday, December 14, 2013


My book is available and all different poetry than my BLOG for Christmas through  Googles, Amazon. com
and Barnes and Noble     Have a very Merry Christmas..............

I am me - I am management
Managing my life , I stimulate
I analyze - I even designate
Instructing you to outstanding performance
I initiate process of association
I plan motives with cause and effect
I have job security - I work hard
Ideas linger , they dance in my head
I am of the intelligence!  Quo!
Hence - I set forth to succeed
I outsmart you - and my skills
I am your master - at wit's end
I am significant! Mistakes I prevent
The rules in my life - I plan! I set
I am me! I am your pet
Truth ! I ponder - I wonder
I see the light - I am predictable
I will control your motives
And thus I am this - sarcastic
My eyes look straight in your face
I organize my time and I trace
Each new born day - I regulate
My actions sure should penetrate
In your mind - I do believe
I manage you without a doubt
My experience - hence - I perceive
I am me- this I see , my place
Yes I am your pet - thus I sought
To manage you - I do demand
Your beckon call- I brought to you
I teach ! Know what I taught
Mind - mind me! I say
And thus I challenge this each day
I am your pet - I want respect too - too I see
My eyes straight in your sight
Yes I am this your manager
Sooner that you know it
Shall we see the light
I respect this , I respect that
Hey! I am your cat.

Friday, December 13, 2013

MERRY CHRISTMAS THE ROSE - this is for you

Devoted to the love- the tale I see
Is these prominent memories surrounding me
Each day goes by , I see it more each morn
And I close my eyes with darkness in my sight
Seeing reflections of love if only I might
Be sharing my life each given new day
Beauteous be - your heart takes beauty
With the morning embrace, nourishing
The tender touch - I see found on your face
Love grows - moving mountains, nurturing!
And tonight and each night the stars I'll trace
My shining star ! My breath! I see light
Glistening! Shimmering! beaming still in these eyes
And with the midnight hours , each beautiful eve
My kind of beauty that's what you are
Mesmerized by the embrace while we reach the star
My kind of glorious wonderful, I truly believe
And thus truly with this rose, I then perceive
I bond! I stand stall walking in the waves
Each path the rocks each one then paves
I see , I speculate the gift is yours- the rose
Friendship the goal and I am in your dreams
My paw reaches out to you with love it seems.

Monday, December 9, 2013


I'm blessed - fortunate as night and day
In the evening hours - I see twilight
Stars twinkling with the iridescent moon
It shines - it glows - beauty in pitch dark
As I gaze at the galaxy , I see birth
The pregnant star - nurtures the sky
Dancing in the sky - I see the muse
The maidens and the planets, remarkable!
Our Greek Gods - mesmerizing our hearts with glee
Then hypnotically - I see a prediction
In the crystal visions of my mysterious mind
Inspired by the heavenly skies, I see me
Blessed by the Greek, I write poetry
The words glide with the pen they flow
And each word in my mind as I concentrate
I put with a point - I then inspire
In the night - the words then retire
And dawn it breaks - I see day light
The glorious new born day , I see my way
A new beginning - a brand new day
And Apollo I love - I embrace thee
In my mind in the skies above
Love enters my soul and I glow
And you ! Beauteous - I get to know
The sun comes up - the rays warm on my face
Hues prominent - I am bewildered
Still fortunate - my feelings , I trace
I am a poet - I write with the morn
Each day - each night. I am inspired
My mind wanders and still contemplate
Each word I write with the skies, this I seek
Beauteous be - the night and day it doth stimulate
And if writers block? I seek the stars
And when the clouds darken with the element
I see the rain on my face a miracle too of blues
Trickling down - dancing on my gardens
Nurturing the roots - my seeds, my beauty
I am the poet! I write the words- visions
Visually in my mind - I speak - I see
I am blessed - I see the heavenly skies
They keep me wondering and I am mesmerized
And when dawn breaks - I hope too
Not to take each day for granted - look I view.

Thursday, December 5, 2013


MERRY CHRISTMAS  !  Hope all your experiences in December bring you great joy
                 MY GIFT TO YOU  -  My Rose

The birds are singing - chirping with the morning dew
The sunlight cast its' rays at dawn onto the petals of the rose
Shining iridescently glowing , blooming into flowers
The raindrops feeding roots - how beauteous
On mother earth at eve at twilight into the night
The beauty of the gorgeous gardens as they grow with hue
The sun beaming at each day as it comes out shining light
Nourishes the soil along with the rainy days ,too
To enlighten our love with that of the bouquet
The gardens grow more and more in life everyday
The stars twinkle and shine to predict the weather
Down comes the rain again the sun and rain together
The beauty transpires to make the earth bloom
Sparkles the hues that cast right into your room
As the petals grow day by day what a beautiful sight
And the birds chirp each morn loving seed
Those casting rays each day as gardens weed
Those roses in bloom set in our mind
Still the reflections cast in my head, yet to find
I see it in prose that beauteous rose
Growing moon dust in the delicate way
And the heart blossoms - all I can say
I am enlightened - I am purity
I am a gift of true sincerity
Thus the shadows cast too at dawn
The flowers in my mind , I see
This beauteous velvet red- elegant beauty
I love its' prominence in my soul
Yet hence - the earth fed! I am whole
Roses in bloom they mesmerized me.

Sunday, December 1, 2013


Greatly loved is the pet in your life - dear to the heart
A little sweetheart - FAMILY! Roots
Let grow the friendship right from the start
Strong be the affection - DEVOTION- loving
The affection of the paw on your face - the meow - bonding
 The jump on your lap - beauteous be the qualities
High spirits - loving you - loving it - loving you still
Special be each day - the purring the playful pet
Loving their treats - love - loving you when? and yet
When no one else does . your cherished pets do
They don't call you names- demean you or run you down
Just spend your time taking care of them always
Create that loving ability of earning that love with you
Precious be that of gaining love - respect too
The loyal pet - fun and sensible, I see
Beloved - the love of a pet , better than courtship
Faithful - each time you open the door - too true
They don't try to get your temper or make you blue
Truly the beauty to your soul - so visible
My little sweetheart ! You are nothing but a gem
Beloved dearly -  For you! I love being responsible....